About me

I am a PhD student and research fellow at the Department of Economics at the Universitat de Girona working under the supervision of Sara Ayllón. In January 2025, I will join the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) at the University of Essex as a visiting PhD student.

My research interests include poverty, inequality, applied microeconomics, public policy evaluation, labour economics, and public economics.

Work in progress

The causal impact of school-meal programmes in developed economies: A meta-analysis (with Sara Ayllón).

Subsidised school meals and children educational achievement and well-being: the case of Barcelona (with Sara Ayllón).

The impact of free school meals on parental employment: the case of England.

Teleworking and childcare across Europe: Is there a childcare digital divide? (with Sara Ayllón, Pablo Brugarolas and Enza Simeone).

New estimates for inequality of opportunity in Europe using elastic net algorithms (with Sara Ayllón and Pablo Brugarolas).

Contact information


Department of Economics, Universitat de Girona

C/Universitat de Girona, 10

17003 Girona, Spain