
Journal publications

Ayllón, S.; Holmarsdottir, H. B.; Lado, S. (2023). Digitally deprived children in Europe, Child Indicators Research, forthcoming. [pdf]

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the need for internet connectivity and technological devices across the population, but especially among school-aged children. For a large proportion of pupils, access to a connected computer nowadays makes the difference between being able to keep up with their educational development and falling badly behind. This paper provides a detailed account of the digitally deprived children in Europe, according to the latest available wave of the European Union–Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC). We find that 5.4% of school-aged children in Europe are digitally deprived and that differences are large across countries. Children that cohabit with low-educated parents, in poverty or in severe material deprivation are those most affected.

Ayllón, S.; Lado, S. (2022). Food hardship in the US during the pandemic: What can we learn from real-time data?, Review of Income and Wealth, 68(2): 518-540. [pdf]

  • We study the potential effect of the declaration of the state of emergency, the beginning and end of the stay-at-home orders, and the one-off Economic Impact Payments on food hardship in the US during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic. We use daily data from Google Trends for the search term “foodbank” and document the development of a hunger crisis, as indicated by the number of individuals who need to locate a food pantry through the internet. The demand for charitable food handouts begins to decrease once families start receiving the stimulus payments, but the biggest fall comes when economic activity resumes after the lifting of the lockdown orders. Our estimates indicate that the increased need for emergency help among vulnerable families lasted for at least 10 weeks during the first wave of the pandemic, and we argue that real-time data can be useful in predicting such urgency.

Chapters in edited volumes

Ayllón, S.; Brugarolas, P.; Lado, S. (2023). ICT use and children’s self-reported life satisfaction in Understanding the everyday digital lives of children and young people, ed. H. B. Holmarsdottir, I. Seland, C. Hyggen, M. Roth, Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming.

Ayllón, S.; Lado, S.; Symeonaki, M. (2023). Digitally disengaged and digitally unconfident children in Europe in Understanding the everyday digital lives of children and young people, ed. H. B. Holmarsdottir, I. Seland, C. Hyggen, M. Roth, Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming.


Ayllón, S.; Brugarolas, P.; Lado, S. (2022). La transmisión intergeneracional de la pobreza y la desigualdad de oportunidades en España, Ministerio de Derechos Sociales y Agenda 2030. [in Spanish] [pdf]

Sánchez, C.; Marquès, P.; Lado, S.; Bikflavi, A. (2022). Guia de bones pràctiques per a la igualtat de gènere a la indústria agroalimentària, Departament d’Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural, Generalitat de Catalunya. [in Catalan] [pdf]

Sánchez, C.; Marquès, P.; Lado, S.; Lloveras, N. (2021). La dona a la indústria alimentària a Catalunya, Departament Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació, Generalitat de Catalunya. [in Catalan] [pdf]

Working papers

Ayllón, S.; Brugarolas, P.; Lado, S. (2023). The level of inequality of opportunity in Spain: an estimation using Arti cial Intelligence, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.

Parsanoglou, D.; Mifsud, L.; Ayllón, S.; Brugarolas, P.; Filandrianos, G.; Hyggen, C.; Kazani, A.; Lado, S.; Symeonaki, M.; Andreassen, K. J. (2022). Combining innovative methodological tools to approach digital transformations in leisure among children and young people, DigiGen working paper series. [pdf]

Ayllón, S.; Barbovschi, M.; Casamassima, G.; Drossel, K.; Eickelmann, B.; Cosmin Ghetau, T.; Haragus, P; Bjork Holmarsdottir, H.; Hyggen, C.; Kapella, O.; Karatzogianni, A.; Lado, S.; Levine, D.; Lorenz, T.; Mifsud, L.; Parsanoglou, D; Port, S.; Sisask, M.; Symeonaki, M.; Teidla-Kunitson, G. (2020). ICT usage across Europe. A literature review and an overview of existing data, DigiGen working paper series. [pdf]

Other publications

Ayllón, S.; Casamassima, G.; Drossel, K.; Eickelmann, B.; Hyggen, C.; Lado, S.; Port, S.; Broekstra, N. (2021). Digital diversity across Europe, DigiGen Policy paper. [pdf]

Lado, S. (2021). Desigualtat, individualisme i col.lectivisme, DUGiDocs. [in Catalan] [pdf]

Lado, S. (2021). Externalització de serveis públics: la casuística de l’administració local, DUGiDocs. [in Catalan] [pdf]

Blanco, M.; Ventura, J; Lado, S.; Sastre, M.; Callado, J. F.; Xabadia, A.; Marquès, P. (2019). Girona 100 SA 2019, KPMG i Càtedra de l’Empresa Familiar. [in Catalan] [pdf]